German trains!

Our next stop on our journey is Rothenburg. Our journey started at the Munich train station where we learned the German word for delayed. (verspätet) Devin used the helpful info desk to find an alternative train and we boarded.

Making the connection

We made the other connection just fine and arrived at our destination, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, at 5 PM. Since we were short on time we took a taxi to our hotel and immediately headed up the hill to the city on foot.  The hike up was steep but worth it. The city is a thousand year old medieval town. It has amazing period architecture and drove Devin crazy trying to take photos of it all.

We ate dinner at an Italian restaurant and had some pasta for dinner. I got to have another brand of German beer.  After dinner we walked around the city walls. These were not built for persons over 6 feet tall. I was envisioning myself running to the defense of my town only to be knocked out by running into a beam on the ceiling.

I begged Devin to let me off the wall and I was then forced to follow her around the city. Shiny object syndrome in full effect. At least my head was safe.


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