Moist Interlaken

It’s been raining all day but we did get out for a bit. We went for a walk on a randomly chosen trail/street. It led out to one of the lakes surrounding Interlaken.  The walk was easy but we were only wearing tennis shoes and our feet were getting wet. The Swiss houses were very neat.

Riding and driving are forbidden

Eventually we came to a foot bridge across the river. The sign says Riding and driving are forbidden. Probably for the best. Once across we came upon some castle ruins: Weissenau Castle.

Alone in the castle ruins

Since it was rainy and nobody was out we had the castle ruins to ourselves. This made the castle kind of creepy.  The keep had stairs inside of it that allowed us to go to the top. I swear the walls were making some strange sounds and I paused to listen to their plea for help. The top was cool but our view was limited because of the clouds or perhaps the scorned wall spirits I ignored.  Wall spirits be damned as we picked up chocolate after dinner.


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