“Cute” and Vacations a la Devin Don’t Mix

Today I decided to dress “cute”.

This was a mistake.

A few weeks ago I was incredibly lucky and received amazing tickets to a concert. At said concert I saw a lot of women in what most people could probably describe as casual chic outfits: white pants, black tank, black sandals, and sometimes a lovely scarf. For some reason my brain translates this style to cute. Don’t ask me, it doesn’t let me in on its rhymes and reasons and sometimes the answer is irrelevant.

Fast forward to day 2 of vacation when I decide I want to look cute while exploring Brussels. White pants, purple (cause purple is the best!) top, and black sandals. Now the white pants were a mistake on their own. Anyone who has ever hiked with me knows that I can’t leave any fork in the trail unexplored. The same goes for vacations. I want to explore every nook and cranny and this is frequently a dirty job! So yeah. My white pants are a bit more lived in now 😉

Sandals did me in

It was really the sandals that did me in though. In order to explore all those nooks and crannies, one has to do a lot of walking. Good, SUPPORTIVE footwear is really the only smart choice. Not so much flimsy (but cute!) black sandals. I’ve no idea exactly what’s wrong with my foot but it’s talking back to me a lot. I’ll be danged if I’m going to let it hold me back though! Bruges here I come!

PS in reviewing this photo just prior to publication, I’m going to say the pack rat look isn’t cute either ?


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