Leaving Brussels

I had some of my best sleep last night in Brussels. I think it’s due to our posh Airbnb.

Waking up we headed to get our waffles for breakfast. We were hoping for our nacho cheese type waffle but we were too early as only breakfast type waffles were being produced. I picked up a liege waffle with strawberries and Devin had a chocolate filled waffle.  I’m so happy that Brussels has breakfast food that is generally missing in many areas of Europe.

I headed to a Starbucks to get some coffee and grounding in my American roots. After loaded with caffeine and sugar Devin and I split up to explore. I headed to a church near our airbnb. This church is called the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula. Very pretty Gothic church. Definitely good for scaring the people to their deity of choice while being ascetically pleasing.

We met back up and picked up our bags. Check out involved dropping our key off in the box marked 19. We then headed to the Brussels Central train station. Surprisingly we were pretty efficient at getting our tickets and getting to our platform. We typically plan for extra time for the confusion that ensues on our train journeys. After a nice train ride we arrived in Cologne, Germany.


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