
Early in the AM we left cologne via train and took a one hour train ride to Frankfurt. Devin had found a four hour walking tour called Frankfurt on Foot that only cost 12 euro. That’s three euro each hour!! Departing the train station we found the river and walked along it till we got close to the old city hall.

The river was nice and there was another bridge that is used as the love lock bridge. This is common in Europe and nothing says love like Master Lock!. At a local store most of the locks cost 10 euro and then some are engraved which we found costs another 30 euro.

Tour of Frankfurt

The tour was led by an American expat from Ohio. She’d been living in Frankfurt, Germany since 1986. She’s was very passionate about her town and a little sad when we told her we were only in town for seven hours.

She first took us to a catholic church called Saint Bartholomew’s Cathedral near where were standing. It too has a insanely large number of steps that take you to the top. I was kind of grateful that we didn’t have time to ascend this belfry.

She then took us to the Goethe House, the home of Germany’s greatest writer.

We visited two more churches, the Jewish ghetto, and a Holocaust museum before catching our train to Freiburg.


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