Can you hear me now?

Waking up in Interlaken Switzerland is an amazing thing. Everything is beautiful.

Harder Kulm

The previous night I found a hike that would be interesting. We were going to hike up to Harder Kulm which has a restaurant and a overlook. (did not know this till we got there) The hike up was steep and the trail was marked in red on our maps which must mean certain death or extreme peril.  We had visited a Alps culture festival last night and listened to some Alphorns. These same guys were out playing again and we were serenaded our entire ascent.

Many people passed us on the way up. We were not proud, we pulled off to the side and let them pass. There were two that made us question how slow we were going. A six year old girl and her family passed us and a 60+ woman. Those two kinda stung.

The hike was fairly steep and we were both nice and sweaty. I had packed three water bottles and two rain jackets. I did not want a repeat of last time.

Somehow we prevailed and after many breaks we arrived at the viewpoint/restaurant.

Why can’t we just rest?

I was a bit tired. Total distance up here was 3.1 miles. We figured out that it was a 5k running course. I found a table and ordered some fries and a beer.

This was probably a mistake. In my world a beer means mission accomplished no need to do anything else and any remaining time left in the day will be spent relaxing.

Well Devin, who doesn’t like beer, helped me finish my beer and then got up and asked me if I’d like to go up higher. Not wanting to miss out on any of the cool stuff she might find I followed her up the mountain.

My interrupted beer siesta gremlins may have come out and asked Devin if we could turn back. Nope. She did offer to let me walk back to the restaurant solo. Let her see all the cool stuff? I think not!

Mission accomplished again

Well we did find the cool stuff. The top of the mountain called Wannichnubel. Amazing views, two benches and a sign.

While at the top I noticed that I still had cell phone service so I tried to call my friend Jeffery. Can you hear me now? Indeed he could.

We headed back down. This time we picked up two beers and a can of Pringles.

Then we took the tram back to Interlaken.


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