Sky Pilot

We got off to an early start. We were headed to Grindelwald which was a 45 minute train ride from Interlaken.  In true Swiss fashion the ride was visually striking and full of picturesque landscapes.


Arriving in Grindelwald we knew we had to find the lift to Grindelwald-First. It’s the first minor summit on the slopes of the Schwarzhorn. It is 7,100 feet above sea level.

We purchased tickets for the gondola and came to a gate, scanned them, and were permitted in. Entering the gondola loading area and did not see another human among all the moving gondolas. My instincts took over and I ran into the nearest gondola with it’s door open. Devin was questioning the whole time if we were permitted to be in said carriage. Apparently the Swiss think one should be intelligent enough to board a gondola without hand holding.

The ride was 30 – 40 minutes and passed through two stations. Each station pass the doors opened and no humans were there to hold our hands. It was up to us if we wanted to leave the safety of the steel box dangling by a thread a hundred feet off the ground.

We got off at the third station, which was the third and final stop. Successfully exited our steel box and landed on terra firma.

Breakfast was enjoyed by us at the restaurant at Grindewald-First. They had a porch with a view.

Around the corner from the restaurant the Swiss built something to terrify the heights fearing person.

A suspension bridge called a “Cliff Walk” had been constructed.


There was also the needed standing on air platform where Devin and I had our photo taken by a nice tourist. The bridge and the viewpoint were nice but we needed more. There were several trails up here and one went to a lake called Bachalpsee. During the hike we met a fox. He was very interested in humans since many have probably fed him.

We made it to the lake after an hour of hiking and it was beautiful.

Devin had a hard time making it over the gap in the dam but that was probably because it was her Birthday.

We headed back down the same way we came up since we were pressed for time. We had to be in Lucerne by 1700 to meet our airbnb host.


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