Pic, Dick Pic

Past Devin seriously failed Present Devin on this one. No drafts were created to discuss our boat day to the island where they filmed a James Bond movie. Eight months later here are the random things I remember:

It was fabulous. There were some great people and tour guides in our group. My favorite part of the entire experience was how incredibly excited one man was to get to go to the James Bond island. He asked for my empty soda bottle and used it to recreate the opening scene of every Bond movie. I cannot express to you the joy on his face to get to be on that island and recreate all his favorite bits. He was gloriously over the moon.

There was a cave!

Penises are the universal language. Men absolutely go out of their way to show other men objects that look like dicks. I lost count of how many penis-shaped objects someone pointed out to Chris. I think I only took a picture of the first one.

There were monkeys. People kept getting up close and personal with them even AFTER our guides told us that a tourist got attacked by one and needed stitches. I kept my distance thank you very much. I was already damaged enough from the sun and my own stupidity.

James Bond Island was pretty cool. Clearly, it was the highlight for a lot of people and our tour guide was adamant about taking all sorts of fun pictures. He even had props! Golden guns so you could recreate key movie moments.

The boat ride was great! I got to hog the front area. I couldn’t hear a dang thing but I got all sorts of wind in my hair and the best views!

There was a detour to do a private kayak tour. There was this unusual (to me) floating dock area with a bunch of kayaks in the area around it. The dock ended up being a launch pad for a private kayak tour in and around an island. The kayak operators hung out there when not doing tours.

They load you onto the kayak and then it’s off into the inner sanctuary. The island is hollow and there was a tunnel we went through so we could hang out admiring the middle area. We left the same route we came in and then paddled around the island for up-close views of the plants and wildlife. Many penis’ were pointed out in the rocks but only to Chris so I don’t have pictures.

I didn’t really notice my sunburn on this trip. However, each time we got back on the boat after exploring, they’d hose down our feet and legs. That stung. Even 8 months later it stings :p


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