Wear Sunscreen

The kayak adventure through the mangroves was a fabulous experience. However, I stupidity didn’t apply sunscreen to my legs. My legs never see the light of day but I wore swim shorts and assumed (ass+u+me) that they would be covered by the kayak and be fine. They were not covered nor were they fine. I ended up with a second-degree burn (per self-diagnosis / my degree in Google sleuthing). Blisters appeared a few days after the trip but swelling, pain, and trouble walking started quickly.

I feel bad for Chris because our next stop was Phuket and a day and a half of scheduled beach time. Unfortunately, I had to stay out of the sun which meant we never got to swim in the ocean or chill on the beach. I seriously owe this man a makeup beach day or 3!

We did get out and explore the immediate area of our hotel including several walks along the beach or boardwalk but we mostly laid low at the hotel/hotel pool. Thankfully, it was pretty amazing.

This was the only non-Marriott we stayed at during our trip and it was so much fun to explore! It has so many paths that wound around the property to the various rooms, pools, spas, restaurants, etc. A major perk was that the pool was not only right outside our hotel room door but it was incredibly shady with a swim-up bar.

Many adult beverages were consumed in the shade and a chill time was had by all.


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