The Layover

Present Devin here once again to write (ha!) the wrongs of Past Devin aka everything below is said with an 8-month gap in memory. What could possibly go wrong?!

Our travel plans included a long layover in Seoul. We kind of had a plan? Get on the train and go to the market. Eat the food. Return to the airport in time to catch the plane home. Piece of cake!

Well. Kinda.

Turns out we were both tired and cranky. We don’t speak the same language when it comes to directions when we’re in top shape and it escalates quickly when we’re not in top form.

The problem started with “we should check our bags, so we don’t have to lug them around the city”. This involved trying to find the baggage check and wandering around at least 3 different floors of the airport. At least 1 of them we visited twice in our efforts to find the place.

The next problem was which train? Well, only one of them takes plastic so that’s the one we got on because we didn’t have cash, nor could we find an ATM.

The train worked out great! It got us out into the city and vaguely close to the market we wanted to visit. Unfortunately, there were still no ATMs. There aren’t many places in South Korea that accept plastic nor was there much in the immediate vicinity of the train station. However, our Seattle mecca was around the corner!

Caffeinated and with a clear idea of where to find an ATM, we headed off! Once we had cash, we ate and ate and ate some more. Then we browsed the clothing options with all the fun English translations. I bought my favorite and immediately wore it while we explored the neighboring area.

After that, we caught the train back to the airport, ate some amazing sandwiches, and then headed home.

The End.


One comment

  1. Oh man – exploring layovers are the best – except after a long flight and before caffeine! The clothes are amazing and South Korea looks so interesting! The sandwiches look amazing and despite being grumpy, your smile is still as lovely as ever!!! 🙂

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