
Just over an hour north of Brussels is Bruges. Before leaving Brussels we needed some waffles. Our guide from last night had pointed us to the Waffle Factory for savory waffles. I had a bacon and mozzarella filled waffle and Devin had one with chicken, andouille sausage, and what I can only describe as nacho cheese.


After our breakfast we headed over to the train station. A couple minutes with the kiosk and we had our paper tickets. You don’t actually buy tickets for a specific train but rather a destination so you can take any train needed.

Once in Bruges we walked around town and got some ice cream. We found our airbnb place without any problems.

Our host, David, met us there and showed us where all the great things to do around town. His place is pretty unique but I’ll save that for another post. He said he’d be back in the morning to make us breakfast.

After getting settled in we went to find food. We came across a all you can eat rib place that looked very popular. The ribs were decent but nothing special. Our main event for the evening was a night tour of Bruges.

Our tour group was very diverse and we were the only Americans. Our Belgium tour guide spoke excellent English and explained that the people of Bruges were terrible at naming things and showed us the only two wooden houses in the city.

Our tour ended near a windmill and we headed back to our airbnb for the evening.


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