Ice Ice Baby

Europeans tend to eschew iced beverages. I think it has something to do with the cold winters or perhaps it’s expensive to truck in. I certainly don’t see many ice machines. When ordering a cold drink it is quite typical to only receive 2-3 ice cubes.

Totally fine. I get it and most of the time I’m okay with it. Today however, I am hot and thirsty and nothing sounds better than an ice cold beverage. We arrive at the train station and I spy a McDonalds. I turn to Chris and say “I bet they have fountain drinks!”

I just want ice in my beverage

We walk towards the store and I spy with my little eye the fancy take away cups indicative of fountain soda! Woot!!!!

I wait my turn at the register and order a large Diet Coke. The man on the other side asks me if that was all. “Yep!” I reply. He then asks me if I would like ice? What? Is this a thing?! I say “Yes please” and receive 3 cubes of ice and non carbonated fountain soda. Three euro well spent ?


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