Try Try Again

If at first you don't succeed...

You know the classic saying about practice making things perfect?  Well anyone who knows me will tell you that I don’t have that kind of patience.  But I can acknowledge that I have a fair amount of room for improvement especially in regards to over packing.  I do it EVERY SINGLE TRIP.  I may carry a backpack but I never get to have my hands free because I have inevitably brought or bought so much stuff that it won’t all fit in said bag.  It’s laughable really.

To that end, I have started my packing plan 7 full weeks in advance of our next trip.  No joke.  This is partially because I’m determined to not give Chris any more ammunition on this front and maybe cause I’m excited about the trip.  Forty more days by the way…  Not that I’m counting.  I’ve got an app for that ?

My research shows the key to success is having a color palette.  Basically pick several mix and match pieces of similar color families so you don’t have to bring too much stuff and then make your various outfits pop with accessories.  We’ll see how the popping thing goes.  Personally I’m thinking that’s the advanced level class…

Regardless of popping, I’ve listened to the pros and I’ve determined my color palette is blacks, whites, blues, and maybe some greens because I just bought a cool pair of capri’s that are green.  Hmmm. I can’t imagine where my tendency to over pack starts

Picking a color palette

How did I develop this palette you ask? Simple.  I have tons of clothes in these colors.  Narrowing said options down will be a task for another day.  One that’s closer to the actual packing date as I still want to wear most of these outfits between now and then.

Today’s problem / discussion is shoes. Not because I don’t have plenty (too many?) shoes but because I have a thing for shoes and there’s going to be a lot of walking and I have to make sure my shoes match my color palette. Yeah yeah. I just want an excuse to buy more shoes and I’m not fooling anyone. Everyone needs a vice or 4.

I recently explained to Chris how I “need” both black and navy flats to mix and match into the wardrobe for this trip.  My only navy shoes are wedges which are obviously not suitable for walking major distances and my black flats are work appropriate but oh so boring.  Granted, I’ll be bringing running shoes but those are super casual and won’t really go with the outfits I’m planning.  Plus Italians are chic.  Not that I can pull of chic but I can do better than running shoes when I’m not running!

Super props to Chris in that he didn’t laugh at me when I explained my plight / rationale for “needing” new shoes.  His only response was “I love you”.  I married well ?

All this to say I went browsing at DSW last night and found some amazing black flats!  They aren’t remotely close to being boring!  They aren’t chic either but I was never meant to be chic anyway.  The key is that I love them and they are well padded so they are my black flats for Italy.

You’ll have to stay tuned to see if I show proper restraint and avoid purchasing / bringing a pair of navy flats.  I mean the goal here is to not over pack and how many shoes do I really need?!  Don’t answer that


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