
Š for Šibenik

Quick Croatian pronunciation lesson. Š is pronounced as a “SH” sound. We drove from Plitvička jezera (the Č is a “CH” sound) to Šibenik. Actually Devin drove and I did my best to help but ended up cracking jokes as…

Relaxing in Zagreb

Zagreb has a very laid back atmosphere. It apparently has 4200 places where you can drink coffee and the locals visit one at least once a week. Could be a joke but I heard the typical coffee break lasts about…

Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera

Arrived at the park at 9 AM. Our host had given us some secret info regarding a third and unpublished gate. This one has free parking but does not open till 9. All other gates open at 7. We got…

Auf Wiedersehen Germany

Today I said farewell to Germany (Note: I’m late posting this so I really said farewell a few days ago). We never left Bavaria so I really didn’t get to experience Germany as a whole but I certainly enjoyed the…