Kayaking in Ketchikan

On a family vacation to Alaska one of our stops was in Ketchikan and we had booked it outside of the cruise ship’s excursion packages.  There’s probably nothing wrong with using the cruise ship’s excursions but Devin and I like to do our own thing and when someone puts something in front of us we immediately look for alternatives to weigh the options.  In this case we decided to book a kayaking tour with Southeast Sea Kayaks and it was the right decision.


Devin and I had been kayaking in Iceland but this was our first tandem kayak experience.  Being the control freaks that we are this probably wasn’t ideal and I almost caused Devin to take a dip in the bay.  My parents were along for the ride as well and this was their first kayaking experience.

One can never be too excited about safety gear

Our guide was excellent and showed us wildlife and history of the local area.  We didn’t see any large water mammals but we got up close and personal with a star fish and observed a bald eagle in his tree.  As a point of order from the author of this post I had not yet flung Devin out of the kayak and it was a peaceful ride.

It probably didn’t happen

There isn’t any photographic evidence of this and I didn’t see it because Devin was behind me so there is a chance it didn’t happen.  When we docked the kayaks and I got out it may have not been as graceful an exit as I hoped.  I was told by all three members of our party that I rocked the kayak a little too forcefully almost capsizing it with Devin inside.  They were all really hopped up on nature and this may have impaired their perception of the event.

Our tour concluded on a boat where the owner of the tour company provided us with a lovely snack of smoked salmon.


One comment

  1. Ha! Hilarious! I love tandem kayaking with Zach – he loves to be in charge and I don’t mind him doing more of the paddling! LOL

    Getting in and out of kayaks is always at least a bit of a struggle!

    Too funny! Wondering if you’ve been tandem kayaking since? More stories! 🙂

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