You may get wet but you will definitely get soaked

The Mendenhall Glacier is 12 miles from Juneau, Alaska where our cruise ship let us off.  Continuing with the theme of doing our own thing we rented a car and drove to the trail head for the West Glacier Trail.  It’s a 6.6 mile loop trail but it had started to rain.  Rather than let the weather get the best of us we put on our rain gear and started up the trail.  This trail is probably relatively easy in dry weather but the rain was making it pretty challenging.  Parts of the trail require you to scramble up rock faces which is pretty challenging when they are wet.

Not sure how far me made it but we eventually had to turn back due to trail conditions and the weather worsening.  On the way back we were hiking with our heads down on a mission to get back and take a hot shower when we almost ran into a rather large porcupine.  It didn’t seemed too bothered by us but we let him pass.


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