Munich by Bike

Got up from our long long slumber. 13 hours by Devin’s count. Up and out the door by 8 AM. Apple Strudel/Pastries and coffee for breakfast.

Bike tour

We had a bike tour starting at 9:30 AM so we set out to find the starting point. I had looked up the starting point on Google maps before hand and I knew it was under an arch. Who knew Munich had so many arches in their architecture. Luckily we found it.

The meeting point was the old town hall which is now a toy museum. We met our guide Bobby who was from Chicago and headed to get the bikes. Along for the ride was an American family from an American military base and a guy from India.

How does this thing work?

First things first. Remembering how to ride a bike. It had been forever since I’d last ridden a bike and the first few pedals were a bit wobbly but it all came back to me.

Munich is a very friendly biking city with bike lanes either in the road or on the sidewalk. All the bikers obey the traffic lights and rules and makes for a fairly organized touring experience.

Butt babe

Devin volunteered to be the rider in the rear which made her an honorary “butt babe” (Bobby’s words). There was a vote taken and Devin holds the office of bike tours nicest bum.

Bobby did a very nice job of giving bits of history when we made our stops. We learned about some of Munich’s past and present.

We stopped to have lunch and a beer at the beer garden in the English garden. This was the same beer garden we were at yesterday without any cash. This time we were prepared and had some really great beer with our food.

Olympic Park

After the tour we came back to the hotel to relax for an hour out of the sun. After we were satisfactorily relaxed we decided to go visit the 1972 Olympic park and BMW museum. These both involved use learning how to use the Munich subway system. After attempting to figure this out with the help of automated machines Devin sought a real human. He was able to guide us in the correct direction and we took the train to the Olympic park.

The Olympic park was a nice green space but there wasn’t much we were interested so after a walk around the lake we headed to the BMW HQ across the road. The museum was closing in a few minutes so we got a couple pictures.


After BMW we caught the subway back to the hotel. We had been told by tour guide and friends to go to the Augsteiner beer house so we found it on Google and started to walk. We found a restaurant that had the Augsteiner logo out in front of it. This was not what we were looking for but we ate here.  The food was great but it wasn’t the beer house we’d been searching for. We went back to the hotel and cleaned up and then set out to find the Augsteiner Beer house. We found it! Devin ordered her Bavarian favorite, Radler, beer mixed with lemonade. I ordered a liter of dark beer. Devin also got us a blueberry pancake with ice cream.


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